

図書館のAVコーナーの語学資料で「英会話 敬語表現 100パターン」(837.8/I89)というのがあります。6月に入った本ですが、まだ私しか借りた形跡がありませんw
How are you doing? / どう?元気?
How have you been? / いかがお過ごしですか?

What is your name? / 名前なに?
Could I ask your name? / お尋ねしますが、お名前は何とおっしゃるのですか?

What's going on? / 何が起きたの?
What happened? / 何があったのですか?

I'm very sorry. / 本当にごめんなさい。
I have to apologize. / 本当に申し訳ございませんでした。

へ~(*゚∀。*) 英語での敬語とかは考えずにごちゃ混ぜで使っていました(´∀`)難しいなぁ!

1 件のコメント:

  1. Thanks! I'm surprised to learn that there is a book about "keigo" in English. I would say, though, that the difference between "How are you doing?" and "How have you been?" is not so much a matter of politeness but rather of different meaning. "How are you doing?" is mainly about how one is now while "How have you been?" is asking about the period since I saw you last. The other examples, though, are good, I think.
